Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

On 22: In The Morning

Here i sat in a cubicle at 8 am in the morning, i never imagined this would be the life i had.
I was doing a blog post before work, at 8 o'clock in the morning. Well, you never knew what would happen to you later, eh?

"Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it."

"By 22, Gandhi had three kids, Mozart 30 symphonies and Buddy Holly was dead." 

"our fingerprints don't fade from the lives that we touch. Is that true for everybody? Or was it just poetic bullshit?"

(Remember Me, 2010)


The First Part
I agree with it. I believe that something we do, even at its smallest, will have an impact on other things.. For better or worse. So, even if we knew the insignificance of our deeds but we realize it's time to do them.. What else are we waiting for? Start by starting, nothing else.

The Second Part
Here i am, in my 22 going to 23.. Compared to Gandhi who had three kids, the thought havent even flashed to me yet.. Mozart, 30 symphonies and glanced at me what is the best part of my life that would be carving my name in its eternal if i'm gone.. and the last, Buddy Holly was dead. Well, it doesnt work the way everybody wants it to be, or does it?

The Third Part
After all, will those idealistic, self-purposing, way of life help us find what we really are? Or just a poetic sarcasm way of life which distract us from the way we should be?

Sometimes we think everything is inevitable, set up, or written.. But that should never prevent us from doing a change that we knew would help us find out who we really are. The walls are there not for blocking us to go to the next level, but to challenge and prepare our strength for the next level.. Or, that's what people keep telling themselves at their dusk of life.

Song of the morning:
Marcelo Zarvos - I Know You Can Hear Me
Marcelo Zarvos - Morning Montage


It's been six years since the last album of Slipknot released. Now, with their bassist deceased and their drummer being let go, they're releasing a new album and here's a single worth checking out (while you're not eating..)

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